Managing stress
I often see patients and clients state that they are stressed. I always ask what does that mean? What is stress to them? So what I have learnt to each...
Overcoming failure
Through our journey of life, we all have suffered some type of failure. This can be failure in exams, failure in relationships, failure in health or failure at work. We...
Optimizing your wellbeing
We are all coming towards the end of the first month of the new year, and slightly feeling the blow of Christmas and new year parties. Money seems dry, new...
5 Minute de-stress exercise
This exercise is for all of us through our busy days, a form of mindfulness during your day. This can also be used as technique to refocus, or reduce anxiety....
Importance of Sleep-Sleep stages
We often forget the importance of sleep for our well-being. This blog will reflect on the different stages of sleep. The second blog will reflect of sleep deprivation and the...
Overcoming libido differences
When couples come to me with sexual issues, I will ask them about their libido. I ask them to give a number between 1 and 10 (10 being the highest)...
Managing your mental health over the holidays
Christmas/New year can be a stressful time of year, whether you live with a mental health problem or not. There’s pressure to socialise with friends and family, more temptation to...
UK stars dealing with mental health
Mental health problems affect one in four of us in the UK according to charity Mind. There are many stars and famous people who suffer from mental health issues. Below is a...
10 Tips to Deal with Low Self-Esteem
A common theme that is among patients/clients and general public too, are issues related to self-esteem and confidence. We all have those days we wake up and feel low, about...
Foods That Are Probably Not Helping Your Anxiety
People tend to crave food that are high in trans fat, processed sugar, and salt when they are feeling anxious and stressed, but these foods directly increase levels of cortisol...