How to make a speech under pressure!

By: Wearehumancounselling Team
How to make a speech under pressure!
We all have moments in our life where we need to perform under pressure. Sometimes it can be as small as speaking in a parents teacher conference, or getting your feelings across in a relationship. Whatever situation that is you can use the tips below to help with public speaking, moments under pressure and ways of communicating your views in the most suitable way possible.
1. Build rapport quickly
Know your own stereotype. Everyone comes with an embedded stereotype on how the conversation will unfold, delineate yourself from the stereotype in your first few words, this engages the audience instantly. From this point make calculated specific small talk, use this to tease out any useful information, every word you say must have a reason!
2. Get the audience on board
Every pitch has to be tailored specifically and to do this you need to know your audience, whether you can establish this beforehand or through building rapport. This enables you to then make aspects of the presentation personal to the audience/person throughout. Highlight outspoken people and focus on convincing them, once that is done, sit back whilst they do your work for you.
3. Timing & comfort zone
The time you decide to present critical points, can easily double or half the impact, chose your words carefully to moderate the negatives and showcase the positives. Develop generic phrases which allow you to offset timings. Start conversations within audience comfort zones, i.e. topics they are comfortable to talk about (through points 1 & 2) and ensure you operate within these parameters until enough trust has been established.
4. Take them 95% of the way
The real art of ‘taking them on a journey’ lies in doing the ground work, setting up the answer but allowing the audience/person to reach the conclusion, thus making it their idea, nothing convinces someone more than an idea they have fashioned. This can be done in a manner where two equally acceptable options are pitched and you allow the audience/person to select one.
5. Pre-empt any objections
Like a game of chess, you have to understand what the response to what you say will be and have an answer prepared, at times you can be thinking a number of exchanges ahead within a conversation. Understanding who your audience is will help you pre-empt what their questions are, everyone likes to highlight their personal area of expertise and predominantly will ask a related question.
By Dr Farah Nadeem